BoWZ Membership

Becoming a member of Boundless Way Zen allows one to contribute to the organization in a meaningful way and to have a voice in community decisions through voting at business meetings, including the annual meeting. If you study and practice with a Boundless Way Zen sangha, we encourage you to consider becoming a member.  For membership FAQs, click here.

There are two ways to become a member of Boundless Way Zen:

1.  Become a member of Boundless Way Temple by following its membership requirements and application process. All members of Boundless Way Temple are automatically members of Boundless Way Zen and do not have to apply separately for Boundless Way Zen membership.  Membership in Boundless Way Temple requires an annual financial contribution.

Typically, members of Boundless Way Temple are those who practice at the Temple on a consistent basis, practice at one of Boundless Way Zen’s approved local practice groups and/or have a student relationship (shoken) with one of the Temple’s resident teachers.

2.  Become a member of Boundless Way Zen directly.

People who become members of Boundless Way Zen directly are not members of Boundless Way Temple. Members of Boundless Way Temple are automatically members of Boundless Way Zen and thus there is no need to apply for direct Boundless Way Zen membership.

To become a member of Boundless Way Zen directly one must apply to the Leadership Council using the online using the link below. The requirements for approval of an initial membership application are:

(a) Active participation in sitting meditation with a Boundless Way Zen practice group or at sesshins for a period of three months; and

(b) Making an annual membership financial contribution to Boundless Way Zen in any amount.

To be approved, an application for membership must receive a majority vote of the Leadership Council. To apply for membership in Boundless Way Zen directly, complete the online form linked below.  Your application for membership will be voted on at the next meeting of the Leadership Council.

Boundless way zen logo - a stylized lotus flower
Boundless Way Zen